Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Ok. I don't do political rants....I tried it once and I got whacked with anonymous comments about how stupid I was. Lame. Not interested. I don't do rants in general about touchy subjects because I don't feel like ranting about my side of a situation helps the other side to understand where I'm coming from.
And we knew there'd be a but(t) didn't we?
I'm gonna try so so so hard not to lose my temper, I'm gonna try to speak clearly and eloquently so that I can help people see where I am coming from. Yoda said "do or do not, there is no try." and to Yoda I say "Soooo then you can go ahead and make a blog about gay marriage and either do or do not whack your head on the desk in frustration and scream and scream and scream until you're hoarse and dizzy....I am gonna try not to."
This topic is touchy. WHY THE FUCK IS IT TOUCHY! Sorry, sorry. I am trying. I'm gonna cut to the is what I propose.
You wanna get married? Good. Can what you want to get married to consent mutually to this marriage (aka is it a person)? Then awesome. As far as the government is concerned you are married. Meaning you are life partners, you have decided to team up and figure live out together. You get to inherit things in wills, and visit each other in the hospital, and have a honeymoon. That's fucking beautiful, man. That church doesn't feel comfortable performing the ceremony? Fine, it's their right to refuse. All you have to do is find a church that will....and trust me, you will find one. At the very least you will find a person qualified to perform marriage rites. You can quote scripture to me alllllll day long....pick your favorite holy book....find the place where it specifically forbids such and it in that sexy voice I the high pitched one where you sound like the clitoris from the south park movie. IT IS AND ALWAYS WILL BE IRRELEVANT TO THIS DISCUSSION. How come? Because marriage was not invented by religion. Show me, please I'm begging you, show me the part where it says, "and then adam and Eve wanted to get it on and Jesus came down and said, yea but first thou must get married, yea I shall create marriage and it will be good and it will be for the sole purpose of making babies. Show me that and I'll shut up. But check this can get married legally without mentioning God at really can I've seen it done. Apart from the people actually agreeing to marry each other It's none of anyone else's fucking business. So stop it with the bible thumping. I understand you have a deeply moral problem with it, that's ok, that's your right. You don't have to participate, heck you don't even have to see it, just make your excuses and don't attend. It's fine. But the minute you step in the middle of someone else's life and say, you can't get married because it makes me uncomfortable and Jesus hates the gays is also the minute I stop taking you seriously for ever.
I have to stop now. I'm having trouble controlling the caps lock...It makes me sad and angry that I was born into a time where this is issue is an actual problem and I keep seeing comment  after comment of horrible, mean spirited, hateful sentiments masquerading as religious morality and I despair a little because it seems to be so widespread. No I really have to stop now, I'm seriously going to scream soon.