The following is a list of things that are happening:
I am playing lots of trivia games on facebook.
I am drinking lots of water and cutting way the hell back on everything else.
I am putting off home improvement projects because I am a master prorasticator (whatever, I like it better spelled that way)
Aerin's been swimming around my thoughts. (For those of you just joining us, Aerin is someone who was a massive part of my life for a very short time, the shortness being explained by her suddenly dying at a very young age. I never talk about it because I'm not someone who can talk about stuff that's that serious. But she does resurface from time to time and I'm trying to be more capable of acknowledging it when she does. It was her birthday a couple days ago, she would have been 26. And that's about as much as I can do right now.)
My boyfriend is in Michigan. He's there because I got lucky and he didn't. What I mean is I got hired on for winter and he didn't. I haven't decided how much I'm going to rant about work in this outlet. I like my job but I worry about those horror stories of people speaking their minds on places like these and having it blow up and ruin Christmas. So I'll just vaguely say this: I, in my anger and frustration with "the way things are" am blaming my current lack of physical connectivity to the love of my flippin life, on my current place of employment, and I haven't thought better of it yet. Yes, yes I know they can't take on everybody and what about all the other people that didn't get lucky as there's more of them than there are of people that did get lucky. I'm just not sorry yet. This will likely change, but for the moment I'm still pouting.
All will be restored in three weeks. Which is a long time, or seems like it anyway.
I have forgotten how to be alone. No it's not at all like I've forgotten how to fly. But it is a bit of a bother when you do so much stuff together, you get used to it. Doing stuff by myself was never as fun but before Aaron I don't think I really understood the scale of what I was missing. Is that melodramatic? Probably. But I just really really like having him around ok?
Oh this was not supposed to be a woe is me entry. This is supposed to be a putting off other things you're supposed to be doing entry. Well at least I can say I have wasted time.
Now on to paying bills olympic thumb twiddling!
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