Friday, December 30, 2011

Things I got for christmas

1. A Brandynew computer!....Oh it's nice to have a lap top with all the keys present. It really is. And to have enough memory on this thing to play computer games....sooooo good.

2. It's free to play world of warcraft now up to level 20. Ok. Then I will. Play till level 20....or less depending upon how utterly bored I get.

3. Movie gift certificates. Yes please.

4. A mall shopping day where I bought clothes....and as long as I ignore the size I'm having to buy bottoms in now that my fat has shifted due to my costume at work, It's cool. I feel fine so what if I've got the ass of an elephant.I still go in at the middle and then out... I'm still relatively proportionate so fine.

5. (actually it's not fine and I'm considering joining a gym, more on that later)

5. no it's just....I just don't want to obsess about my weight too much as to my mind there's nothing more unattractive or socially awkward than complaining about how fat you think you are.

5. I still have a boyfriend....That's a kickass christmas present. No really it is. If you know me, it's possible you understand why.

6.some other stuff. more importantly I hit the mark with other people's gifts. Is that narcissistic? That I take more pleasure knowing I'm an awesome gift giver? It's better to give than to receive right? Does it spoil it if you turn around and brag about your giving abilities....did this just become dirty?.....yes. Stop it.

7. I'm going to Michigan. Oh that needs to be a new topic completely.....


I'm going to Michigan. For those just joining us. That's where my boyfriend's family lives. His name is Aaron, he's real nice, you'll like him I promise.
I'm not nervous about meeting everyone. I'm nervous about fitting in. I'm an odd duck and coastal I've never been to the midwest unless you count Ohio which I don't.
I get a head start as I've already met his parents. But there'll be siblings and spouses and cousins and uncles and aunts and names names names.
And oh yes there'll be an every room.
Just so you don't get too excited I'm not about to broadcast the details. Yes they would be juicy, no you can't have any get your own boyfriend, have your own family drama. I will suffice it to say that I would categorize certain members of the family as "devout." You can fill in your own damn blanks from there. Honestly what you come up with will probably be way more juicy that the reality of the situation. That will make for better storytelling than the truth in this instance.
So what I have to figure out is how to handle this elephant that's going to follow me around the whole time I'm there. Here is my cunning plan:
I'm going to pretend it is a puppy sized elephant. Still and elephant but puppy-sized. And people can ask me about it or not as they like because it's the size of a puppy and house trained and not getting in the way of anything. If I don't act like it's a big deal and I focus my energy on more worthwhile things, maybe people will follow my lead. Am I a leader of men? Sure, why the hell not.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

The Person with an equally worthy opinion regardless of what sex she happens to be is BACK!

I would like to start my blog again. I used to be real serious about this stuff.....write in it all the time. I dunno what happened, don't care. I have something to discuss. I have a bone to pick. I have a bee in my bonnet.

Doctor Who.
Oh my flipping burgers. What? Jess has some negative criticism for an episode of Doctor Who? Is she feeling alright? No, stop. Let's pause for some reflection on what it means to be a doctor who fan.

If you choose to follow this show. A lot will be asked of you. For every incredible episode you have two that are sub par. Not to mention the tv movie. No really, no one mentions it because it's a shitstorm and you have to outright shun the tv movie to appreciate the series. There are rewards of course. The good episodes are often exceptional and the current renaissance of the series is so encouraging for people like me, who has been harboring secret affections for the quirky sci-fi series since I was nine watching Tom Baker and Lala Ward run away from monsters on my five by five inch black and white tv in the dark of my bedroom.  There is something to this show otherwise I would have let it go years ago. So anyway what was I gonna rant about?

The christmas episode, yes that's what I wanted to chat about. 
Why was the Doctor being so snarky to the girl? Was her name Lily? I think so, anyway what gives? Other doctors in the past have been snarkier, yes I know. But in the past the female character's job was to wonder off find a monster, scream, faint, and be rescued by the doctor. We have made huge strides in the recent incarnation of the series. Lily is not screaming, through the whole show she's asking questions so that she can better understand the weirdness happening around her. Why is the Doctor suddenly the snark factory of snarktown? He's had to explain this shit to everyone else, why does he choose to be particularly terse with this child? Because she isn't brilliant? Ok, then why did you decide to hang out with her family? Oh and he doesn't recognize her worth as a human until he's reminded that she's a baby factory, or will be in a couple of years. UGH. I would have thought, given we're a few years down the road from the 60s now, that Doctor Who would have evolved a little bit further past the mentality of the Don fucking Drapers of the world. (I don't watch mad men, is Don Draper a chauvinistic ass hole? Forgive me but they all look the same to me.) Gross gross gross. Also. I love how the Doctor's biggest pet peeve is changing history. Spoiler in three.....two...... The daddy dies. Lot's of people's daddy's died during world war II, several of them at Christmas I'm sure. Why is this one savable? Considering there was nothing in the telegraph saying he was MIA. He's going to have some explaining to do considering his plane went down but he's turned up in the countryside with his family. It's not that I didn't for the sake of the story want him to be saved because it's christmas and miracles and baby jesus but..... can you say court marshal? Can you say deserter? What happens when this guy tries to report for duty, or worse doesn't and is discovered trying to buy groceries one day. And what about Johnson....or who ever the fuck was down in the belly of the plane who was 'in a bad way.'(They're always called Johnson aren't they?) There was lots of hugging, not a lot of first aid giving. Also what a waste of a perfectly good Bill Bailey. 

Still, not the worst Christmas episode least they left Kylie Minogue out of  this one.
Rant over.
Topic for next rant. Probably something to do with the plantation. Likely.